My Pot Set Vanilla Coconut yoghurt will surprise you, so much yummier than store bought, with no additives, just a fraction of the price and it's surprisingly easy to make. At times when experimenting I felt like Goldilocks, this one is too hard (firm), this one is too soft (runny), yay, this one is just right. I can't get enough of this yoghurt. I use an Easiyo yoghurt maker to incubate my yoghurt (they can be purchased at supermarkets), I removed the plastic container and replaced it with a Weck preserving glass jar, which is perfect for pot setting yoghurt and much safer for your health. Most plastics contain two chemicals that are Endocrine Disruptors (other words, mess up our hormones). If you would like a detailed explanation on making coconut yoghurt, I've written a blog, click here to have a read.
* Please click on the green icon next to the ingredients listed below for extra details and helpful information.
Note: You will need a container to keep the mixture warm in while it turns into yoghurt. I use the small Easiyo 500ml yoghurt maker thermos, it also comes in a 1L size. You can also use an insulated bag and wrap your glass container in a tea towel and add a warmed heat pack, even a warm window sill can work. The yoghurt will need to incubate for 12 - 24 hours, depending on how tangy or sour you like your yoghurt. For helpful information on making this yoghurt, check out my blog.
Lets get started: Add the coconut cream to a small saucepan, sprinkle the gelatin evenly over the coconut cream and allow to sit for 30 - 60 seconds to soften. Whisk the gelatin in well. Add arrowroot flour to the saucepan, whisk well. (If you use a watery cream, a little extra arrowroot maybe needed but don't exceed 3/4 teaspoon.)
Place the saucepan over medium heat, continue whisking until the mixture heats to just before boiling point but don't allow to boil. Remove from heat, set aside for 15 minutes to cool but still warm.
Add the lemon or lime juice, honey and vanilla, whisk through well. Before breaking open and adding the probiotic, you want the coconut cream to be no hotter than 37c (100F), body temperature, so the bacteria doesn't die. (I have used a food thermometer but now I can tell just by sticking my finger in.) I warm my glass jar before adding the coconut mixture so the temperature doesn't drop any further. Different brands of probiotics can give a slightly different flavour, I prefer the Inner Health brand (more information on my bog).
Add boiling water to the Easiyo container up to the insert or add a heat pack to an insulated bag (don't let the heat pack touch the yoghurt). Seal and put aside for 12 hours.
If you would like your yoghurt tangier or sour, repeat for an extra 8 - 12 hours. Replace the hot water or heat pack and incubate for the extra hours. Experiment and see what you like. (I like mine incubated between 14 - 16 hours). When yoghurt is finished, remove lid and give it a good mix, seal and place into the fridge for 5 - 6 hours to set or leave overnight (the flavour will improve slightly the longer it sits in the fridge). Keeps for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.
Serve with fresh berries and nuts or dolloped on a chia pudding. It's also perfect to use as a dairy free cream topping over a healthy dessert (only incubate for 12 hours and add one additional teaspoon of both arrowroot and honey). If you would like to make a yoghurt dressing to go with a meal, incubate for 24 hours to have a tangier flavour and don't add the vanilla (add chopped mint, coriander or grated cucumber before serving). For more information on making coconut yoghurt, read my blog.
I use this extensively throughout my recipes; from soups to dinners to desserts and cakes. I think it is the best dairy-free alternative. It gives so much flavour and creaminess to a wide variety of dishes. When purchasing in the can read your labels, even some organic brands contain gums and thickeners, choose full-fat not low-fat versions. I use Honest To Goodness organic cream 400ml and Ayam which isn't organic but has no additives or thickeners and is much creamier and thicker than other brands (that's why I love it), it comes in 400ml, 270ml and 140ml size cans.
Ensure you use unflavoured grass-fed gelatin in my recipes. ‘Great Lakes’ is a good brand, it's made from Kosher grass-fed beef. When using gelatin to thicken desserts, use the Great Lakes red carton. The green carton (which is cold water-soluble and does not thicken) I use to add to smoothies and drinks for extra protein. Another brand I like is Zint which I purchase online from iherb. Gelatin is pure collagen protein, which is good for bone and joint care. It is also excellent for skin, hair and nails (helps the wrinkles from the inside).
Arrowroot is a herb, the roots are cultivated for its starch properties. It is used in my recipes as a thickener and I also like combining it with almond meal to produce a much lighter texture, more like a gluten flour. I find the starch helps to bind the ingredients together. You can substitute tapioca flour, which is made from the dried roots of the cassava plant. Tapioca can be used in baking, it has a slightly sweet flavour. However, I do not recommend thickening with tapioca, as it has a stretchy, gummy texture. Supermarkets only sell in very small containers, which is not cost effective. Purchase from baking specialty stores, health food stores or online. ( When substituting for cornflour in recipes, 2 teaspoons arrowroot = 1 tablespoon cornflour/starch).
Use freshly squeezed lemon juice. Most store bought lemon juice containers preservatives.
Use unrefined or raw honey. It is the most common natural sweetener in my recipes. It's best to buy local unprocessed honey as it has wonderful health benefits and can help with allergies. Generally honey sold in supermarkets has been processed. Honey possesses antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
Use an organic vanilla extract (not an essence) or vanilla powder. Vanilla makes a big difference to the flavour of a recipe, I recommend keeping to the quantities I have stated in a recipe. I prefer Madagascar pure vanilla extract manufactured by ‘Simply Organic’ and for powder, Vanillamax 100% pure, finely ground Madagascar vanilla beans produced by Bulletproof.
Probiotics help balance the microflora in the gut, helping the digestive system and offering protection from harmful bacteria. Common benefits claimed from taking probiotics include the reduction of gastrointestinal discomfort, strengthening of the immune system, improvement of bowl regularity and reduced bloating. Choose a capsule or powder containing a high number of live bacteria strains. Some form of probiotic should be consumed every day, I sneak some in my breakfast smoothie, fermented vegetables are an excellent source. I add probiotic capsules to ferment my Cashew Probiotic Cheeze on page 301 of The JOYful Table.